November & December 2021 Donations


The National Network of Abortion Funds builds power with members to remove financial and logistical barriers to abortion access by centering people who have abortions and organizing at the intersections of racial, economic, and reproductive justice.


The ACLU works tirelessly in courts, legislatures, and communities to defend and preserve the Constitution’s promise of liberty for everyone in our country. The ACLU dares to create a more perfect union — beyond one person, party, or side. Our mission is to realize this promise of the United States Constitution for all and expand the reach of its guarantees. Issues: Immigration, LGBTQ Rights, Reproductive Rights, Criminal Justice, Security and Privacy, Voting Rights, Capital Punishment, Disability Rights, Free Speech, HIV, Human Rights, Juvenile Justice, National Security, Prisoners’ Rights, Racial Justice, Religious Liberty, Smart Justice & Women’s Rights.

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Amref Africa COVID-19 Crisis Response Fund

By immediately training Community Health Workers on COVID-19 in collaboration with health departments and community groups, and using technology to quickly spread information, Amref’s actions are already making a BIG difference. Our strategy is to now scale up those actions and amplify their impact – quickly. Your donation today will make sure the momentum builds so that together, we protect families in Africa from COVID-19 until vaccines are available. The cost of non-action or delay will be measured in lives lost.

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Bail Project

The Bail Project combats mass incarceration by disrupting the money bail system—one person at a time. We restore the presumption of innocence, reunite families, and challenge a system that criminalizes race and poverty. We’re on a mission to end cash bail and create a more just, equitable, and humane pretrial system. Because bail is returned at the end of a case, donations to The Bail Project™ National Revolving Bail Fund can be recycled and reused to pay bail two to three times per year, maximizing the impact of every dollar. 100% of online donations are used to bring people home.

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Debt Collective

The Debt Collective is a membership-based union for debtors and our allies. Our current economic system forces us into debt in various different areas of our lives: student debt for education; a mortgage to buy a home; debts for utility bills or phone bills, medical care, or even incarceration. No one should have to go into debt to meet their basic needs! These debts are illegitimate and the system needs to change, and we are united to win that change. How? Through the power of our union.

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DonorsChoose is the nonprofit classroom funding site for public school teachers. Educators from every corner of America create classroom project requests, and donors can give any amount to the project that inspires them.

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Downtown Women's Center

The Downtown Women’s Center (DWC) envisions a Los Angeles with every woman housed and on a path to personal stability. Its mission is to end homelessness for women in greater Los Angeles through housing, wellness, employment, and advocacy.

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The Drug Policy Alliance's mission is to advance those policies and attitudes that best reduce the harms of both drug use and drug prohibition, and to promote the sovereignty of individuals over their minds and bodies.

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Fair Fight

Fair Tight promotes fair elections in Georgia and around the country, encourage voter participation in elections, and educate voters about elections and their voting rights. Fair Fight brings awareness to the public on election reform, advocates for election reform at all levels, and engages in other voter education programs and communications.

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Justice Democrats

We need a Democratic Party that fights for its voters, not big corporate donors. Our goal is to build a mission-driven caucus in Congress by electing more leaders like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jamaal Bowman, who will represent our communities in Congress and fight for bold, progressive solutions to our current crises.

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Lakota Law

Lakota Law is dedicated to reversing the slow genocide of the Lakota People and destruction of their culture, the Lakota People’s Law Project partners with Native communities to protect sacred lands, safeguard human rights, promote sustainability, reunite indigenous families, and much more.

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Meals On wheels America

Meals on Wheels America. The oldest and largest national organization supporting the more than 5,000 community-based senior nutrition programs across the country that are dedicated to addressing senior hunger and isolation. This network exists in virtually every community in America and, along with more than two million volunteers, delivers the nutritious meals, friendly visits and safety checks that enable America’s seniors to live nourished lives with independence and dignity. By providing funding, leadership, education and advocacy support, Meals on Wheels America empowers its local member programs to strengthen their communities, one senior at a time.

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The largest immigration legal services non-profit in Texas, focusing on under-served immigrant children, families & refugees. When you donate to RAICES, your gift will go towards securing the release of thousands of people and ensuring that each person receives quality legal and social services. Since 2018 alone, we have defended over 65,000 service recipients, assisted an average of 200 newly arrived refugees annually in laying the foundation for successful resettlement, and paid $15 million in bonds throughout Texas and across the country in coordination with the National Bail Fund Network.

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The SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective, SisterSong is the largest national multi-ethnic Reproductive Justice collective. Our membership includes and represents Indigenous, African American, Arab and Middle Eastern, Asian and Pacific Islander, and Latina women and LGBTQ people. Membership also includes allies who support women’s human right to lead fully self-determined lives. We are dedicated to growing and supporting the RJ movement, and to uplifting the voices and building the capacity of our movement sisters to win access to abortion and all other reproductive rights.

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Street Watch LA is fighting to empower + protect the rights of poor/unhoused tenants across LA.
Donations will go towards crucial supplies for our unhoused comrades such as handwashing stations, hygiene and harm reduction supplies, tents, and food, as well as materials and resources to support our organizing efforts.

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Sunrise Movement

The Sunrise Movement is a youth movement to stop climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process. We’re building an army of young people to make climate change an urgent priority across America, end the corrupting influence of fossil fuel executives on our politics, and elect leaders who stand up for the health and wellbeing of all people.

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SWOP Behind Bars is a national grassroots social justice network dedicated to the fundamental human rights of sex workers, victims of trafficking, and their communities with a focus on those currently incarcerated or seeking re-entry. SWOP BB centers the voices of sex workers and trafficking victims as we work to end violence and stigma by providing resources, community-building projects, educational programs, and advocacy.

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Housed at Transgender Law Center, the Disability Project magnifies the leadership, collective power, and visibility of LGBTQ disabled/Deaf/ill constituents.

Led by a multi-racial, cross-class, cross-disability advisory board of transgender and gender-nonconforming people, the Disability Project embeds disability, Deafness, and anti-ableism politics and expertise into LGBTQ movement work. The Project breaks isolation, grows connection, and builds leadership within trans disability/Deaf/chronically ill communities.

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Trans Lifeline

Trans Lifeline is run by and for trans people. Trans Lifeline is a grassroots hotline and microgrants 501(c)(3) non-profit organization offering direct emotional and financial support to trans people in crisis – for the trans community, by the trans community. Trans Lifeline connects trans people to the community support and resources we need to survive and thrive. We envision a world where trans people have the connection, economic security, and care everyone needs and deserves – free of prisons and police.

Trans Lifeline Hotline: US: (877) 565-8860

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the trevor project

The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ youth. The Trevor Lifeline: 866.488.7386

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World Central Kitchen

WCK uses the power of food to nourish communities and strengthen economies in times of crisis and beyond. When disaster strikes, WCK’s Chef Relief Team mobilizes to the front lines with the urgency of now to start cooking and provide meals to people in need. WCK’s resilience work advances human and environmental health, offers access to professional culinary training, creates jobs, and improves food security for the people we serve.

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